Conference Overview


The Annual International Symposium on Ventricular Arrhythmias is the premier conference for state-of-the-art information on the pathophysiology and treatment of ventricular arrhythmias. With a wide range of educational sessions and opportunities to engage with renowned experts in the field, the conference offers an unparalleled learning experience in an environment that fosters collaboration. The comprehensive program includes live case demonstrations, interactive panel discussions with Q&A sessions, and lively debates. One of the many highlights of the symposium is the daily live case sessions, which feature live cases from Mount Sinai Hospital and the University of Pennsylvania that showcase optimal clinical decision-making strategies and the most up-to-date techniques for complex ablation procedures.


The VT Symposium ON-DEMAND library features the video archives from past Conferences.

Target Audience

The VT Symposium has been developed to meet the educational needs of electrophysiologists, cardiologists, and other physicians and associated professionals with an interest in the pathophysiology and management of ventricular arrhythmias.

VT Symposium Features

Live Case Learning

Core to the VT Symposium is the Live Case learning experience that demonstrate optimal clinical decision-making strategies and the most up to date techniques in real-time. Live Case Demonstration Sessions feature Concurrent Cases from the Mount Sinai Hospital and the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, which are complemented with interactive discussions between the operators and panelists, who also address attendee questions.

Rapid-Fire Expert Presentations

World-renowned faculty share their insights and expertise on state-of-the-art information on the pathophysiology and treatment of ventricular arrhythmias, and assess late-breaking clinicals and science impacting the field.

Point-Counter Point Debates

Lively Debates present, discuss, and assess opposing viewpoints from leading experts who tackle current topics and controversial issues impacting the field of ventricular arrhythmia management.

Interactive Panel Discussions

Panel discussions, complemented with Q&A sessions, feature global leaders in the field who draw upon their clinical practice and research experience during the interactive and conversational-based forums. Ample time is afforded to address questions raised by attendees.

Attendee Engagement

Attendees are permitted to actively engage with faculty throughout the duration of the Conference by raising questions and sharing their perspectives.

Annual Mark E. Josephson Memorial Lecture

In honor of the late Mark E. Josephson, who was a true educator and pioneer, the annual lecture features an insightful presentation from a luminary in Electrophysiology that is complemented with a Panel Discussion and Q&A session.

Mark E. Josephson Abstract Competition & VT Innovation Award

Practicing Healthcare Professionals are invited to submit an abstract of original research for the opportunity to present to thousands of colleagues worldwide. Research can be in the form of clinical studies, basic science investigations, or preclinical studies which is relevant to the diagnosis or treatment of ventricular arrhythmias.

Continuing Medical Education

The Organizer is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (CME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians, and Contact Hours for Nurses.

The VT Symposium credit designation for the live activity is based upon the cumulative hours of educational programing, for which attendees may claim credit commensurate with the extend of participation in the activity. 

Documentation of awarded credit is provided for in person and online attendees upon the completion of post-activity evaluations. CME and CEU Certificates can be claimed through VT Symposium online CME portal.

Disclosure Statement

It is the policy of the VT Symposium to ensure balance, independence, objectivity, and scientific rigor in all its sponsored educational activities. Commercial support from industry does not influence educational content, faculty selection, and/or faculty presentations, and therefore, does not compromise the scientific integrity of the educational activity.

Discussion of off-label product usage during live cases is made at the sole discretion of the faculty. Off-label product discussion and usage are not endorsed by the VT Symposium or the Course Directors.

All planners and faculty participating in accredited continuing education activities sponsored by the Provider are required to disclose to the activities audience any real or apparent conflicts of interest related to the content that they planned or the content of their presentation(s). Anyone not complying with this policy is not permitted to participate in this activity.

Hosting Organizations

The International Symposium on Ventricular Arrhythmias: Pathophysiology & Therapy is hosted by the Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, University of Pennsylvania Health System, Philadelphia, PA, and the Division of Cardiology Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY.


CME Certificate Fulfillment for
2024 Attendees

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A Guide for Cardiac EP

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Host Organizations:

logo Mount SinaiThe Mount Sinai Hospital

Penn Medicine logoHospital of the University
of Pennsylvania

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